Why Python?

Currently one of the most in-demand programming languages, mastering Python opens a world of opportunities in the fast-paced digital realm.

The Python basic course covers language fundementals and syntax. This course serves as a pre-requisite for many of the other courses such as Game Development, Web Development, Telegram Bot

Module 1

Basic syntax and structure of Python

Curriculum outline

  1. print statement
  2. variable
  3. The basic data types
    1. Integer and Float
    2. String
    3. type() inbuilt function
  4. Converting between data types: int(), float(), str()
  5. Arithmetic Operations
    1. Addition
    2. Subtraction
    3. Multiplication
    4. Division
    5. Modulus
    6. Floor division
    7. Exponential
    8. Python assignment operators
  6. input() operation

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Module 1 covers the extreme basics of the Python language, including print statements, variables.

Module 2

Python operators and control structures

Curriculum outline

  1. Comparison operator
    1. Boolean data type
    2. Comparison operators
  2. Logic operator
    1. AND operator
    2. OR operator
    3. NOT operator
  3. Control structure: if-else
    1. The basic syntax
    2. The elif statement
  4. Control structure: while
    1. The basic syntax

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Module 2 covers the iconic if-else statements and while loop😄

Module 3

Looping and list

Curriculum outline

  1. List
    1. Basic syntax
    2. List inbuilt functions
  2. Control structure: for-loop
    1. Basic syntax
    2. Looping through a list
    3. Looping through a string

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Module 3 covers loops and it's various implementation across python

Module 4

Python built-in functions and packages

Curriculum outline

  1. Built-in function for string
  2. Built-in function for integer and float
  3. Functions
    1. Defining a function
    2. return statement
  4. Certain packages and libraries
    1. random module
    2. time module
    3. math module

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Module 4 covers the various built in functions/packages which is often used to keep the programming world going😉

Python Programming

In the rapidly advancing world of technology, Python has emerged as the ideal starting point for beginners in programming. One of the main reasons for this is Python's human-readable syntax, which makes it an excellent choice for kids and beginners.

This simplicity, combined with its widespread use by tech giants like Google, Facebook, and NASA, has made Python the most in-demand programming language. At TeachX, we've designed Python lessons that not only introduce students to this powerful language but also instill a deep understanding of computational thinking and coding principles.

Our Python course is unique, as it adopts a project-based approach. This means that learning is not confined to theoretical lessons. Instead, we believe that "students learn through MAKING projects." After every lesson module, students get the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge to create something tangible, like a calculator with a user interface.

This hands-on approach not only solidifies their understanding but also allows them to see the practical applications of Python programming. But why is Python so popular among companies like Google, Facebook, and NASA? The answer lies in its versatility and efficiency.

Python can handle a wide range of tasks, from data analysis to web development, making it a valuable skill in today's job market. By learning Python, our students are not just gaining a new skill; they're opening doors to exciting career opportunities.

Our project-based approach is designed to inspire creativity and foster a love for coding among students. Each project they create is a testament to their progress and a valuable addition to their portfolio. This not only boosts their confidence but also gives them a competitive edge when applying for internships or jobs.

At TeachX, we're not just teaching Python; we're nurturing the next generation of programmers. Our Python lessons are more than just coding sessions; they're a journey of discovery, innovation, and creativity. We believe that every student has the potential to create something amazing, and our project-based approach is our way of unlocking that potential.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a comprehensive, engaging, and practical way to learn Python, TeachX is the place to be. Our project-based Python lessons are designed to turn students into creators, thinkers, and problem-solvers. Join us today and embark on your coding journey!

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